Library Information

Policies and Guidelines

The Davis High School Library exists to: promote literacy through differentiated, recreational reading opportunities; collaborate with teachers and support their curriculum needs; provide students with equal access to resources; and instruct students in technology and research.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:15am-2:45pm
Wednesday late start 8:30am-2:45pm

Carina Kinney, Teacher Librarian
Email Carina Kinney
Phone 801-402-8893
Overdrive and Utah's

Online Library
Students may check out ebooks and audiobooks free of charge anytime, anywhere by using their Office 365 credentials to access Sora. Sora can be accessed from your laptop, desktop, or you can download the app to your phone.

Guidelines and Procedures

Checkout Policies

  • Books are checked out for two weeks with an additional nine day grace period.

  • Patrons may check out up to FIVE books at a time. However, if there are any unpaid library fees, only one book at a time can be checked out until those fees are paid.

  • Books may be renewed once. A book cannot be renewed if it is on hold for another patron, if it is currently overdue, or if the patron has a fine.

Fees And Lost Books

  • After the nine day grace period, you will receive a $1 late fee on the 10th day.
    Each additional day is 5.10 per day, per item. MAX LATE FEE PER ITEM IS 55.

  • All fees can be paid for in the main office or online.

  • Fines for damages will depend on the nature of the damage and the possible need to replace the item.

  • If the book is 60+ days late, you will be charged the full price of the book, plus a $2 processing fee.

Library Access

  • Library Passes- with the permission of an assigned teacher, counselor, or administrator, a student may use the library during class. The student must sign in at the library kiosk and include their full name, assigned teacher, counselor or admin. They must also include the purpose for being in the library (i.e. computers, book checkout, My Space, etc...)

  • Home released and released time students- students are not permitted to work in the library during their release time.

  • Excused Students- students who are excused from a class, whether by a parent/guardian, for sports, or any other reason, are not permitted to be in the library.