Sensitive Materials

Davis School Libraries Mission Statement

Davis school libraries provide an inviting environment that empowers our diverse school communities to develop knowledge and skills that enable access and ethical use of library media resources and technology. We are committed to teaching our school patrons to engage in inquiry, collaboration, creation, critical thinking, and discovery through active reading for learning and enjoyment.

Request Sensitive Materials Review
If a parent, student, staff member, or board member with standing feels that a specific library material contains sensitive material, they may request that the material be considered for removal. (4I-202 School Library Media Centers, Section 3)

Parent Lottery for Sensitive Materials Committee Member (click here)
Parents with standing who wish to volunteer to be on a Sensitive Material Review Committee may apply each school year and will be chosen randomly using a digital randomizer. (4I-202 School Library Media Centers, Section 4.1.5)

Appeal Sensitive Material Decision

  • Appeals are for titles that have been retained or removed from the Davis School District.

  • The original requester or another individual with standing may appeal the decision of the review committee.

  • The appeal must be submitted within 15-school days of the date of when the decision to retain or remove was posted to this website.

  • An appeal must state how the rational or outcome of the review process violates policy or clearly articulate why a further review of the material in question is justified. (4I-202 School Library Media Centers, Section 4.7)

Public Comments
Please submit comments for a specific title that is currently under review, where a decision to retain or remove has not yet been made.  Please submit your comments here: Sensitive Materials Public Comments 

Please include: