Microsoft Student Advantage Plan
The Student Advantage program helps ensure students have access to the tools they need to be successful in their education.
Microsoft is offering a free Microsoft Office subscription to our students as part of their District Office 365 account. This subscription allows students to install a full version of the Microsoft Office 2016 software at home on up to 5 devices.
To download and install Office 2016, follow the steps below in the section, "How do I download this software?"
Other Commonly Asked Question
How many machines/devices can I run this subscription on?
Each subscription license allows you to run Office on up to five machines being Mac or PC.
Is this a full version of Office?
Yes, this is full Office on the PC or Mac.
How long will this free subscription last?
Students will have access to the Office 365 software until they graduate from High School or are no longer a Davis School District student.
What if I don't know my student's District email address or student pin?
If you are unsure of your student's login information, please contact your students school secretary or the District Call Center at 801-402-5600.
NOTE: Every 90 days the software license for installed software will need to be reactivated. Click here to see instructions for reactivating the software.